Woman’s health coach.


Welcome to the MAMA BEAR STRENGTH CLUB BLOG: this page is designed to help ALL WOMEN (not just new mums) understand their bodies, learn information to promote optimal health/strength/fitness and spread a little awareness around our training and lifestyle changes that can impact and benefit our lives!

I’m making it my mission to help as many women as possible! I want to see all of you coming into the gym with a smile on your face and confidence that you own your space in here!

Make it stand out.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Every week I will be dropping in small snippets of information that are clear and simple to help cut through all the noise online that can be incredibly time-consuming to read through but can also lead to frustration and anxiety as the thousands of Google pages all conflict with each other and an seemly impossible journey can feel even more stressful!

So Ladies… its time for us to truly connect with our bodies and our minds… enjoy this journey, to thrive in every life stage whether it be puberty, pre/postnatal, peri/menopause or your current goal is to get stronger, train with the best plan for you, change your body composition or get better at your 10K time - NO MATTER WHAT YOUR GOAL IS OR WHAT STAGE YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN we all need to build the confidence in what we do, gain control, self-awareness and most importantly LOVE THE PROCESS AND ADAPT TO CHANGE!

Lets develop our skills and learn the tools to become our most optimal selves. If you have any queries or questions regarding your training, or lifestyle changes or if you’d like more information on something you’ve read here then please don’t ever hesitate to come over and have a chat with me … you’ll likely find me in the weights room or somewhere on the gym floor - and I’m always happy to help - lets make this gym a powerful place for us women!

Em x


Why women need Strength Training.