Rich Tabor, Personal Trainer & Nutritionist 


Insta: Elite.transformations


  • Level 3 Personal Trainer 

  • MNU Certified Nutritionist 

  • First Aid 


  • Nutrition & weight reduction 


As a personal trainer and nutritionist my role is to provide you with solutions to the problems you present to facilitate the changes that you desire. I have a person-centred approach, which means focusing on the care and needs of yourself by understanding and listening to your preferences, lifestyle and importantly your barriers preventing you from achieving your goals. With over a decade of experience I have mastered my skills and have achieved some sensational & meaningful results for clients, predominantly in the area of body weight & fat reduction and total body transformations. 

You will not receive an ordinary personal training or nutritionist service from me, my desire is to educate each client so that you can make informed decisions that you know will help improve your health, quality of life and confidence. This is done by spending additional time outside of personal training sessions that is dedicated specifically to educating you on the obstacles you face and also the science behind human physiology and behaviour. 

Your Goal + My expertise = Your Success

As an evidence-based practitioner I keep up-to-date with the latest research and studies on the topics of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle. Learning in greater depths and detail about different coaching methods, advanced nutrition or hormonal interaction within in the human body genuinely excites me, this means that you’ll always be getting the most effective and valid advice possible. 

Amongst geeking out on the above I am still a very normal human being, I will encourage you to continue socialising and eating the foods you enjoy, I know and understand the value these bring to our quality of life.

If you would like to get in contact with Rich, please fill out the enquiry form below.