The importance of bone density.

When we age, our bones become more brittle (with an increased risk of osteoporosis) - which makes us more susceptible to fractures and full breaks. This can be scary, as with age as we can be at higher fall risk, usual areas that are likely to break are the hip or wrists - THIS LEADS US TO BE MORE VULNERABLE, which will not only impact us physically but mentally and emotionally too.

Decrease of bone density can be unnoticed for years sometimes only being recognised once a break has already happened. You may be diagnosed with this disease - osteoporosis which is much higher risk for women. The reason osteoporosis occurs is due to hormonal shifts around the time of peri menopause this starts to decline as your continue this phase your estrogen will decrease more and more.… your decreased levels of estrogen are the biggest contributor to this loss of bone tissue.

But we are not just going to accept this as our fate. We are not destined to grow to be frail and vulnerable … we can almost stunt this ageing process of our bones!

With weight training, you add a load onto the body it’s not only the muscles that get stronger … but also the connective tissue and the BONE! Your bones will get more dense which means it is stronger, and you will be slowing down the rate of bone tissue loss.

This is the effect of progressive overload; the bones must be more dense to support the body and keep structure through the adaptation. As you start to load the body with weight bearing exercises you begin to put the body under a state of stress … this stress is stimulating the maintenance and increase of the bone mass. The muscles and connective tissues apply tension to the bones, which in hand stimulates the bones to produce more tissue - leading to a more dense bone.

Stronger bones = Stronger you 

This means you’ll be more independent in your life and be at lower risk for these weaknesses that can impact huge areas of your life.  With strength comes independence … this improves confidence, makes you feel more in control and will impact your whole life including mentally, emotionally and socially.


- 1/5 women over 50 are effected with osteoporosis

- Women are 4 TIMES more likely to get osteoporosis then men

- You reach peak bone mass at age 30

- 8.9 million fractures annually due to osteoporosis

- It seems possible to reverse osteoporosis in the early days

- Weight bearing exercises are the most advised treatment to prevent/treat osteoporosis

- 8.9 million fractures annually due to osteoporosis

- Spinal bone mass loss can lead to compression fractures and severe back pain


REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY: during performance and the day to day!


Why you need Lean Muscle.