REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY: during performance and the day to day!

YOUR STRENGTH TRAINING JOURNEY IS NOT ONLY ABOUT BEING SAFE AND MOVING EFFICIENTLY IN THE GYM but how it is going to have a knock on effect to reducing injury risk from your daily tasks too.

Strength training correctly, developing movement and control all contribute to your supporting your body.

When we train our body correctly and focus on strength while developing optimal movements we reduce the risk of injury or wear and tear.

In the gym during training, especially strength based movements we try to focus on a lot of control, direction, bracing through our centre to create tension and giving the body a chance to align and move as a coordinated unit.

This then has a direct correlation to day to day … not that your going to be bench pressing your way around but when you create balance in the body in the gym it means that your body responds automatically to stresses and tasks to support yourself and reduce the risk of injury in the everyday as well as the demand in the weights room.

When you've ever experienced a niggle, ache or pain from a daily tasks the likelihood that the issue occurred because of that is extremely slim … it is much more likely the ongoing stresses being put on your body due to imbalance in your strengths and weaknesses.

So, strength training correctly in the gym means your safe, and of course reducing injury directly in exercise but you are also training your body to respond correctly during all those daily movements and reduce the risk of pulls, strains or sprains - for example - when you pull the shopping out of the car, when you carry something up the stairs or even when you run into the other room quickly.

You are setting your body up to be strong and withstand daily stresses, your muscles are stronger, your connective tissues are stronger, your bones are stronger and you will be able to do any task with the knowledge that you can support yourself.

You are teaching your body to move optimally … this is what keep you moving most efficiently through life - for the rest of your life.

If you every struggle to find the motivation to train, or even if you feel like you don’t have a ‘set in place’ goal or time frame in mind to reach a goal, then make your goal the fact that you just want to be safe and stronger in everything you do.

This will bring the focus back and make you feel like control though exercise has a direct impact on bettering your life.

- Living with pain and injury seems to be very common.

- In fact, 18% of people report to be living with chronic pain that directly impacts their life.

- 15% of people have acute pain that they just deal with daily.

YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO LIVE WITH PAIN - look at how your training can help beat this, reduce your physical stress on your body and limit the possibility of you being a high injury risk.


Improve Your Posture strengthen the body so you can hold yourself correctly


The importance of bone density.