Improve Your Posture strengthen the body so you can hold yourself correctly

We’ve all at some point caught ourselves in a position sitting at a desk or on the sofa and thought ‘WHY AM I SITTING LIKE THIS?!’

Our shoulders have dropped an arched round, our lower back in aching and we can feel the build up of stress in our neck … we then quickly bring ourselves into a ‘good position’ only to 10 minutes later be back into this closed off little ball or twisted up like a pretzel!

Posture effects so much and depending how you spend your days and the exercise you do (or don’t do) you will notice over time its harder and harder to bring yourself back into that ‘good position’

But with strength training comes good posture!

When we train to be strong we want every part of us strong. So that means creating balance front to back, left to right, top and bottom.

Creating muscular balance means you are then supporting your skeletal system to be in the most optimal position to reduce aches and pains by putting less stress on your structures as everything just fits and flows correctly.

If you were to over train your chest for example and under train your back you would cause too much tightness at the front so your shoulders roll forward - this also occurs if you sit as a desk for long periods of time:
tight at the front weak at the back = poor posture = BACK PAIN.

Imbalance from left to right, leads to gradual twist outs of the shoulders and hips which will:

Lead to poor posture = BACK, KNEE, SHOULDER PAIN

Strength training brings muscular balance which then will lead to you having perfect posture when you train. This then trains to the body to keep perfect posture in day to day life!


When your muscles as hold perfect position for a longer period of time that will also prevent you from folding into horrible positions during day to day life - you’ll gain muscular endurance to hold yourself in this perfect position for longer and it will, over time be less effort for you and will become more automatic.

Back pain is something most adults will experience as some point in their life.

Whether it be acute or chronic you will experience some side effect of poor posture at some point.

And the risk of the pain increase with age!!

- It starts young, in fact only 1/5 children have ‘perfect posture’

- 80% of adults will suffer with back pain at some point

- 70% of adults will suffer with neck pain at some point

- 1/6 people in the UK have back pain.

- As we age the risk of spinal injury increases.

- Suffering with back pain will have a link to other joint pain is untreated.

- Poor posture has links to increase risk of stress incontinence due to abdomen and bladder pressures.

- Poor posture will have an impact on breathing as the potential stress on the ribcage can reduce volume space in lunges - reducing respiratory capacity - the amount of air you can breath in.

- Poor posture will impact sleep from either pain in certain positions or breathing issues leading to more complex problems like snoring and lowered oxygen intake.

- Poor posture increases the risk of headaches.

- Poor posture increase the risk of nerve related pains - for example sciatica.


KEEPING GOOD JOINT HEALTH optimal joint function means your body moves correctly


REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY: during performance and the day to day!