Improve Mobility: Striving for optimal range through the body

correct imbalances in the body and allow everything to work as it should

For optimal posture and support we need to ensure we have matched strength and range of movement- we went through this a little on a previous post - no not only does having good posture mean that we can support ourself optimally but that we can function correctly with limited risk of injury.

Strength training correctly … while looking at how we can create balance in our posture means we’ll be working on balancing muscle groups - for example opening the chest and shoulders up: we would strengthen the upper back to pull the shoulders back and also strengthen the chest to release tightness tightness due to weakness.

Or working on the glutes and abs (a typical weak cross section) to help align the pelvis.

Both of these corrections will help pull the skeletal structure back to optimal position to support how we move, train and feel.

When we are balanced in strength we shouldn’t have tension or tightness constantly in the body the joints are in optimal position so you don't have strain on the joints which then wont have a knock on effect to impact other areas of the body. And when the body isn’t tight we can move correctly.

With mobility most people ‘go to’ is to stretch and do mobility drills - of course these have their place but they are only a temporary solution. In fact, if you do a routine of stretch and mobility the likelihood is give it a couple of hours or less in most cases and the body has recoiled back into its previous state.

When we look at the reason behind the mobility issues it will (most of the time) be due to a weakness - the other possible reason would be severe injury has impacted the structure of a joint.

So if we analyse the body, search for our weak areas and develop a strength plan to help create balance then mobility will improve!!

This is a much more progressive method, that you can see develop over time which is of course more fun but also the enjoyment of knowing you’re improving will keep you on this journey.

When your mobility improves it will have direct impact on your day to day life and your performance. Reducing the risk of injury, strains and aches.

So, if you’re struggling with your mobility, whether that be in a specific movement - like a squat or bench, you find it difficult to sit on the floor comfortably due to tightness in the hips/back or you just find day to day tasks hard to do … something as simple as putting on a sports bra … yes, the tightness and weakness in your chest and upper back could be the reason you can pull your arm round your back to the the straps - ADDING STRENGTH TO YOUR JOURNEY WILL IMPACT A LOT.

So get lifting, find balance in your strengths and start to move optimally.


Support Hormonal Function


Improve Stability Through the Body by Challenging Strength.