Improve Stability Through the Body by Challenging Strength.

Controlled at joints during movement = you will be able to exercise efficiently forever

When we talk about stability we aren’t talking about balance. Stability is the ability to keep in control of joints during movements. For example, when performing a lunge you are able to knee the ankle still, the knee doesn’t wobble around and he hips stay square while you then complete your movement within a full Range Of Movement (ROM)

Now, we are all likely to experience instability at every joint either during full movements or at certain points of a movement (highlighting a weak area) and it is something that takes a little bit of time to perfect … in fact its something we should be aiming to improve constantly.

As you start to increase the intensity of a movement the instability issues will likely reoccur - its just highlighting a weak area that is either a load intolerance or an endurance intolerance - of course this is not an excuse to have poor stability to just lift heavier weight but it is something to consider for your to then keep improving with a new stimulus.

The joint stays stable due to our muscles and connective tissue. You have your working targeted muscles and you have your stabilising muscles that must work as a unit to promote the most optimal and safest movement = the joint doesn’t move out of alignment during load.

When we take part in weight training and focus on developing a strong mind muscle connection, and really focus on how we are securing those joints in place … assessing the movement and keeping in a safe range we then carry this control forward on to day to day life WHICH MEANS LESS INJURY RISK ALL ROUND.

A stable joint mean less injuries - both during exercise and out of it. It means as we get older we are less likely to be at risk of falls, fractures or posture issues that can have huge effects on our life both physically and mentally.

When we have a stable joint and solid foundation we are also able to exercise optimally. Not wasting energy trying to correct during movement, we can feel confident in how we hold ourselves and focus on using as much energy as possible to drive the weight/perform the exercise set.

Women are more likely to experience joint injury than men. The knee joint - ACL ligament - is a high risk area due to the angle of our femur bone from the pelvis to knee. If this joint has a weakness then injury is a higher risk.

If you’ve ever experienced joint pain/aches or a full injury you know how disheartening it can be. Not only is it a pain and inconvenience to everything we do but it takes so long to heal and in most cases will always be a sensitive area or may flare up from time to time … so do not forget about the importance of stability … lift weights correctly and support your body!


Improve Mobility: Striving for optimal range through the body


INCREASING MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: support your body in the gym and in life!